Sitting down to write this makes me think of all of the personal journals I have forgotten and revisited. Feeling the need to justify a lack of attention to a book, or a blog, or anything of that sort.
I say that "I'm back!" but in many ways, I didn't really go anywhere. Right now, I'm sitting in the same spot where I wrote many of my past entries, and I visit this place several times each week. And the internet itself seems to be everywhere.
But this absence was really just because other things required my attention. The other day I saw a former coworker and he asked me what was new, to which I answered with my standard, "Oh, not too much.." As I said it, I realized it wasn't accurate. Sure, at that point in time I was just killing time and wandering around a shop, but a whole bunch of life-stuff actually had happened since the last time I spoke to this person.
It all depends on your frame of reference I suppose.
I'm sitting in the same chair that I sat in when I wrote my very first entry, but when I go home tonight, it won't be to the same place that I lived when I last wrote.
I have a piece of yard that I can dig up as I please. I guess this means that the "imaginary farm" is real now, although it's not particularly large or farmlike.
I have a new (fancy, significant) piece of jewelry.
I have a (fancy, expensive) piece of paper framed above my desk.
I'm planning new, exciting and scary adventures in the realm of "real-life things."
So now that you're properly updated, I'll get back to posting recipes, musings and.. whatever else I feel like, I guess.
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